Psychedemia, the film, concisely presents the varied complexity of the emerging field of Psychedelic Studies in a way that is accessible, informative and inspiring.

Directed and Edited by two-time Emmy Award winner Vann K. Weller and Drew Knight, the documentary is being dedicated to the Public Domain to be freely used for any non-commercial purpose as an intellectual and cultural artifact.

In loving memory of John David Tiedemann
January 21,1955 - April 19, 2013 for more information about the movie.

Contributing Artists in order of when their work first appears:
Android Jones - "Psychedemia Head", "Shiva", "Geisha",
Alex Grey - "St. Albert and the LSD Revelation Revolution", "Despair", "Grieving"
Michael Divine - "Birth of a Star", "The Glass Onion", "Bubbles on a Stream", "Illumination"
Amanda Sage - "Sharing Rays", "Limbic Resonance",
George Quasha - "Axial Stones #18"
Astrid Fitzgerald - "Waxing Geometric"
Psychedaniellia - "Transmissions from the Future Self", "Treasure at the Top"
Alan Bell - "ArcheDream for HUMANKIND" Masks
Autumn Skye Morrison - "Harmonic Transformation"
Justin Bonnet - "Lucid Synchronized Dimensionalism"
Adam Scott Miller - "The Epiphany of Sophia"

And a huge shoutout to
James Fadiman, Matt Reed, Mitch Schultz, and Happy High Herbs for their incredible help and support.

~Doorpost Productions~

Enjoy the extended interview with Roland Griffiths, Ph.D. here:

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PSYCHEDEMIA – The Psychedelic Conference Documentary

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From Neuroscience to Shamanic Healing and everything in between. This documentary film concisely illuminates the emerging interdisciplinary field of Psychedelic Studies in a way that is accessible, informative and inspiring.

“Psychedemia” was the first academic conference funded by an American university to explicitly focus on the risks and benefits of psychedelic experience. Ph.D’s, M.D.’s, M.A’s, graduate students and lay folk from all walks of life convened at the University of Pennsylvania over the 27th-30th of September 2012 to present new research addressing the historical and potential influences of psychedelics on knowledge production, health, and creativity. The four day event brought together scientists, artists, journalists, historians and philosophers from more than 10 countries for an Ivy League convocation unprecedented not only in view of its controversial subject matter, but in its unparalleled inter-disciplinary scope.

Psychedemia, the film, concisely presents the varied complexity of the emerging field of Psychedelic Studies in a way that is accessible, informative and inspiring.

Directed and Edited by two-time Emmy Award winner Vann K. Weller and Drew Knight, the documentary is being dedicated to the Public Domain to be freely used for any non-commercial purpose as an intellectual and cultural artifact.

In loving memory of John David Tiedemann
January 21,1955 – April 19, 2013 for more information about the movie.

Contributing Artists in order of when their work first appears:
Android Jones – “Psychedemia Head”, “Shiva”, “Geisha”,
Alex Grey – “St. Albert and the LSD Revelation Revolution”, “Despair”, “Grieving”
Michael Divine – “Birth of a Star”, “The Glass Onion”, “Bubbles on a Stream”, “Illumination”
Amanda Sage – “Sharing Rays”, “Limbic Resonance”,
George Quasha – “Axial Stones #18”
Astrid Fitzgerald – “Waxing Geometric”
Psychedaniellia – “Transmissions from the Future Self”, “Treasure at the Top”
Alan Bell – “ArcheDream for HUMANKIND” Masks
Autumn Skye Morrison – “Harmonic Transformation”
Justin Bonnet – “Lucid Synchronized Dimensionalism”
Adam Scott Miller – “The Epiphany of Sophia”

And a huge shoutout to
James Fadiman, Matt Reed, Mitch Schultz, and Happy High Herbs for their incredible help and support.

~Doorpost Productions~

Enjoy the extended interview with Roland Griffiths, Ph.D. here:


@mimistone2309 says:

Looking forward to the 2022 version. It's gaining speed!

@fredfarmer5952 says:

Interesting revisionist statements about the Civil Rights movement among young people. Also very WRONG political theory. No "Socialism" in the United States? Really? Just what do you think the New Deal was? Socialism … or rather "Social Democracy" saved Capitalism after the Great Depression. During the 50s and 60s, The Keynesian economy gave Americans the greatest per capita income than any other nation on earth. (Also WRONG use of the word, "Schizophrenic" … and this among people who are supposed to be scholars of psychiatry??)

@jimisru says:

A group of psychedelic fairy tale videos for your enjoyment.

@atelier27 says:

so glad I was there

@cculb1 says:

i wish i could talk in technicolor. 11:26

@RedNovaMedia says:

Enjoyed this vid, thank you….
Wanted to share this vid dedicated to MAPS & The Beckley Foundation:

@SpiritMolecule says:

8 paid trolls have so far come across this video and Disliked.

@SpeedOfThought1111 says:

The lady tripping in the black & white film early on sums up psychedelics with "I can't tell you about it. If you can't see it yourself then you'll never know. I feel sorry for you" One cannot simply be told about the matrix.

@ayahuascacomunidade6441 says:

Amazing studies to transform our world with love!

@GaySingleMulatto says:

Better tens of years late than never.

@Mhm5213 says:

Oh yeah shot of the back of my head before the second minute! 

@chrisdavies8767 says:

This gives me hope for the condition we have found ourselves in.

@odeneaters779 says:

ref point approx. min 55:00…paraphrasing…nobody has a workable theory to update Descartes dualism (mechanistic world view), 

…well YES WE HAVE ONE, you just have not discovered it yet…and it is elegant, all inclusive, simple and can be demonstrated from first principles and experience, with only a few assumptions (move to the back string theory),

Tom Campbell – My BIG TOE (Theory of Everything)

Tom Campbell in Calgary: Intro to MBT (Fri) 1/1

We live in a digital physics based virtual world, consciousness is fundamental….we are here to promote and discover love, reduce ego and realize we are one….this from a practicing NASA nuclear physicist!!!

@ShiverHinge says:

In a fractal holographic universe, experience itself is a metaphor for a mere aspect of ultimate being.

@ShiverHinge says:

We need to let psychedelics maintain a much broader status quo, the eternal present of the universe and beyond, by remembering the deep culture of tens of thousands of years of human history. Science can almost seem autistic at times, and thinking scientifically can facilitate adherence to the truth or at least help to discern what is and is not true, but only positivistically. Plus Ultra.

@francescotrionfetti8391 says:

really precious thanks for the upload!

@mikilavush says:

From Neuroscience to Shamanic Healing and everything in between is full of Satan's deceptions. There is lot of misunderstanding concerning the connection between intoxicants and spiritual experiences, there are lots of false claims about spiritual experiences, there is lot of false spirituality, false religiosity and false divinity, since in this world not only God is present but also Satan who has masses of secret servants to deceive people with. If you want to understand what the connection between intoxicants and divine spiritual experiences really is about, read the introduction of my channel's playlist 'Wisely used intoxicants are a gift of God'.

@holdmyhand2009 says:

i always knew my acid years were for a reason hahaha, love and peace y'all xx

@cjl85uk says:

Found this because I remembered a talk I heard at Evolvefest 2012!

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