California Fires: Eaton Fire evacuees gather at Pasadena Convention Center

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Hundreds of Eaton Fire evacuees are gathering at the Pasadena Convention Center as firefighters continue to fight the wildfire.

California fires are wreaking havoc on Los Angeles as crews battle several massive blazes, including the Sunset Fire, Palisades Fire, Eaton Fire, Lidia Fire, Hurst Fire and Woodley Fire. Areas impacted include the Hollywood Hills, Pacific Palisades, Altadena, Pasadena, Sylmar, Acton and parts of Ventura County.

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@magnoliatrue2698 says:

All I hear from the news is how all these people material things are gone. Dude these people should be grateful that their love ones are still alive. Stop being so materialistic. Maybe LA should ask Maui/Hawaii how they recovered from the disaster.

@LindaMerchant-bq2hp says:

Poor guy prayers for them diversity getting through les and Felicia

@yashshivhare9623 says:

Maybe Someone who is responsible for this suffering,sorrow and tears is Indian police and Indian agencies ?

@Ruby-gd9kb says:

❤ prayer equals power ❤️

@GnarGnarAdar says:

No money, no shelter. Help these people

@Tay_tamera says:

The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

Anonymous says:

Literally dead still in the background and she's like the winds have eased just a little bit lol

@rosmarry says:

Now you all feel how the Gaza Palestine people feel

@amisi8136 says:

Governor newsom treats citizens worse than illegal jmmigrants.

@jianwu-larse3691 says:

newsome needs to resign

@Grizzle_Uno says:

I’ve seen enough, send 10 billion to israel

@الحمدلله-ض9س5ق says:

يشبه صوت قصف الطائرات الاسرائيليه في غزه .
وهي تقصف بالقنابل الامريكه التي تزن 2000 رطل

@footballfan28-ss says:

It will be particularly interesting to see the demographic of the people who live in the area in a few years. I hope these people are helped to restore their lives rather than be bought out by the wealthy. I hope the Pasadena citizens are wise to monitor.

@ParkerLodbrok says:

do you think this was an accident? Unbelievable wake up people no water in the fire hydrants come on how come nobody does anything. It’s the shape of the pyramid.

@jimjab3631 says:

How about debit cards and hotel rooms likemall the migrants?

@delonr says:

So sad especially for children and elderly

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