Les Twins | Behind The Scenes At Breakin' Convention 2015

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Get an exclusive behind the scenes look at Les Twins at Breakin’ Convention 2015! Then watch the full video HERE http://bit.ly/1ONlUj7!

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@chanel27 says:

Right up there with my favourite LT clips…..beautiful though and though ❤️❤️❤️

@dancewick6878 says:

Put more videos how u choreography your own dance please put behide the scenes of your dance please sir

@syb.d1228 says:

Excellent minds, enjoy and Respect

@Blueivy115 says:

OMG ~ The more Videos I see of them the more love I feel for them . They really are the BEST dancers out there . No joke !

@filipnaidjonoks2673 says:

Living legends – true brother bonds. THIS is so situational. inspirational? eceptional! and unexpectable… True bonds never brake stay true.

@natashaburgess9512 says:

Love these guys. ❤

@janieevans7732 says:

I wish they would do a hangout. I love listening to them talk and to answer questions

@SuperJesusislord777 says:

I have watched these guys so much, I don't need to pay for cable.
I pray one day they can make their own talk show/reality show…..I have been so entertained.
This is real, no acting….its as raw as bananas. Loving it!
and am above 45, so hey!
its that good. I love everything about them , even more their love for their mum and family.
God bless them always.

@foyzi632 says:

What's the background music ?

@florencearchambault1670 says:

I think it’s one of my favorite video of them!

@valerieturner6383 says:

There love for dance make there love or bond much stronger than any sets of twins! They don't try to be like anyone else, there the best at what they do because they compete with each other only and that brings out the beauty and passion and there dance!! I love watching them dance.

@chantallemansour4135 says:

Larry naughty lol he would share Lau girl lol I'm not that type of girl but for them… I'll ask God to forgive me.

@kezkn says:

TWINSOP….Hip-hop with a twist of the Century… Twins Operation ! Slaying Hip and the Hop…. Genre TWINSOP ….. HipHop with fresh twist of classical-humour-gymnastic-……etc

@vbozds says:

funny at the end Larry said really when the person was recording their argument and i was looking hard as hell its so funny how interested we are in them they are so entertaining  and we love them #lovelestwins

@vbozds says:

Everything about them is so damn entertaining can somebody make a full length movie pls #lovelestwins❤️

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