BREAKING: JD Vance Met With Mixed Reception At International Association Of Fire Fighters Convention

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On Thursday, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) delivered remarks at the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Convention in Boston, MA.

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@chaoticpanda-bb9bx says:

Cam Brady 2024

@StanBurns says:

Trump Vance 2024 ……

@lindapearson8137 says:

What a heart fill , beautiful speech! My heart toward firefighters grieves that some booed! So immature and scares me for my grandchildren’s future!

@T.Roberts-db9yg says:

Love your guys coverage. You always ask for comments so here is mine.
The IAFf convention with JD was horrific. You guys focused on the rant and boos of the crowd . And, you always say that “I watch it for you so you do t have too”. However, I watched the entire speech tonight and it was the worst landed speech I think k that I have witnessed. JD fell so flat on that crowd and it was painful.
I am just glad that I had the time to sit down and listen to someone who is full of shit and everyone knows it.
Thanks MT

@CV_411 says:

He has a good heart

@dirtypossem says:

Wow. As a democrat. He's not as weird as I wa told. I had no idea his mom struggled with addiction like alot of us do.

@georeto says:

Great speech

@patriciaapodaca253 says:

Cant please everyone and it was probably people planted.

@russellfitzpatrick605 says:

You are certifiably insane if you vote for Harris.

@d.timmal790 says:

This guy is good!!! Very presidential

@diesaffer says:

Imagine knowing you tax goes to foreign invaders. No brainer

@One1Critic says:

Gosh….he speaks soooo well.

@user-nv5gx7je1w says:

Sen. JD Vance along with Trump is the winning team 2024.

@sandracooper2390 says:

Trump Vance 2024!!

@glaefke17 says:

It's a toss up who is creepiest Vance or Mike Johnson.

@christianwitte406 says:

He's crushing it. He can't stop winning.

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