Kitty Sipple – Psychedelic Accessibility: Disability, Chronic Illness, & the Psychedelic Experience

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Psychedelic Accessibility: Disability, Chronic Illness, & the Psychedelic Experience

Sometimes psychedelic experiences remain inaccessible based on marginalised narratives of the people having the experiences. The psychedelic experience is a place of intentional vulnerability, which for some can be a magnification of a lived state of vulnerability in today’s society. Many aspects of healing treatment through the medicalisation of psychedelic experiences follows the paradigm of toxic wellness culture – in order to feel better one must get better. This framework also inherently values the act of curing an illness, instead of recognising an illness is in remission or not creating distress in one’s life. This toxic framework also restricts access to psychedelic science research studies for chronically ill individuals who have disabilities that are considered extreme mental health conditions, which include many conditions that are a result of severe trauma. How can the psychedelic community create more accessible psychedelic experiences for people living with a disability or people who are chronically ill? This presentation will deliver a narrative on what it means to live with a disability and chronic illness as a psychedelic advocate and generate discussion around psychedelic accessibility as a viable solution.

Kitty Sipple is a disabled, white, queer, non-binary femme. They are in their final semester at The University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, earning a Multidisciplinary Bachelors of Science emphasizing Engineering Studies, Holistic Health & Healing, and Plant Biology. They are deeply engaged in research that focuses on finding viable solutions for the issues that society places on marginalized communities, particularly the trans & non-binary community. Kitty uses they/them pronouns.

Filmed at Breaking Convention 2019


@olivermolyneux-dz8sr says:

AMAZING!!! Bless your soul!!

@luluchalm3727 says:

This was incredible. Thank you so very much.

@captainsnizz says:

Wonderful talk, very well explained. "Gatekeeping madness" will become an often-used phrase for me!

@marklawson2871 says:

They are amazing.

@f.2375 says:

wow… this is potentially paradigm challenging

this reminds me of ancient greece, where madness was revere

@InsanityisSanity says:

"im a white, queer, non binary and you should refer to me as they/them"… Haha disgusting

@daughterofdawn4092 says:

Fucking brilliant!

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