Jonathan Ott- Shamanic Snuff Tryptamines

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@a8vdeluxe says:

I'm a near BS level chemist. I'm familiar with all of Otts work. I'm on level with all of the organic lingo. Have never tried the combo of harmine and 5 meo dmt, nor does it interest me. One needs to be in a safe setting with supervision

@asemic says:

if only just 1% of the population could reach such levels of wisdom.. this is a far off dream but dreaming is important !

@bpatrickhoburg says:

I’ve studied the great Jonathan Ott’s work from age 14-36, and happy to speak privately to anyone interested in his work. Ott is one of the most brilliant individuals of the past 75 years, no exaggeration.

@RiiGod says:

Subtitulos por favor

@henrynerdcore950 says:

Did he say "I am a low MAO type?" Around 21minutes, talks about being a risk taker… Can anyone clarify what they think he said verbatim

@thescaleofnature5775 says:

Oh wow! When was this recorded? I’ve been revisiting Pharmacotheon and other works over the past few weeks, so it’s somewhat synchronous to run across this. I haven’t seen anything released from him in a few years, and I have been thinking about him in hopes that he’s doing well.

Thank you!

@Hackified says:

Jonathan Ott is a legend in the community. Check out his extensive publication list! Amazing books

@BushyHairedStranger says:

25:42, …Ralph Metzner agreed with this as do I.

@myristicinman4566 says:

This channel is severely under-recognized and underrated.. these talks are absolute gems straight from the mouths of the dwindling pioneering luminaries of this era.
We have them to thank for so much of what we understand of the natural, social, psychological, and organosynthetic world ❤️

@markdpricemusic1574 says:

Superbly content-rich presentation, many thanks for this. It is a genuine pleasure to listen to anybody who is so throughly in command of their material at all levels…. anthropological, chemical, and experiential. Outstanding work.

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