Music and The Psychedelic Renaissance: Talking Slop with Moudou Baqui (Part 7) In this clip we discuss the role of music and music inspired by psychedelic experiences… what is the Psychedelic Renaissance without diversity and [More]
Soweto Skeleton Movers: Seven 7 at Breakin’ Convention 2017! Subscribe to BCTV to see more: From the most notorious township on the African continent comes the Soweto Skeleton Movers. The audience highlight of Breakin’ [More]
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is an exciting thriller about an unlikely pair of misfits trying to solve a forty-year-old crime, but it’s also interesting from a structural perspective. It uses a non-conventional, five-act [More]
BREAKING: The Colorado House Committee on State, Civic, Military & Veterans Affairs is scheduled to hear public testimony on our resolution, HJR 24-1024 (COS Action’s Article V Resolution) at 3:30p ET on Monday, April 22! [More]
“Merry Go Round” refers to a DJing technique that repeats the break of a song by using two turntables. Breaking, which originated from the music of the turntables, is a dance that mirrors our lives [More]
Bonjour à tous les amis, on se retrouve aujourd’hui pour parler des psychédélique et de l’évolution de l’usage des psychédéliques dans les prochaines années que ce soit en thérapie ou en usage plus libre avec [More]
Join “The Street Gospel Show” team as we chop it up with our good friend KT THE ARCH DEGREE @ktthearchdegree and his wife LAREE Well known teacher, herbalist, researcher, and mushroom man. We will be [More]
Ayana is never not working on her clothing label! See how she balances her time when she’s always on the go thanks to our partner Dixie. For more from Dixie, check out their YouTube channel [More]
(2 Feb 2023) Ayahuasca has become a global trend as people turn to the psychedelic brew to treat health problems after conventional medications and therapy failed them. Hundreds of psychedelic churches have formed across the [More]
Discovery Conference is The Bay Area’s annual Psychedelics conference at The Midway in San Francisco. Get more information at