As well, this isn't just information for a few brave psychonauts. This wisdom is becoming increasingly necessary for a troubled planet in transition and under duress.

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Psilocybin Mushroom Wizard Acacea Lewis

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Acacea Lewis has traveled beyond deep into the spiritual and healing realms of the sacred mushroom Teonanacoatl, or psilocybin. Not only that, she has a brilliant mind and the verbal chops to communicate her knowledge and insights clearly and eloquently.
I believe this is essential information for just about anyone looking to really learn the secrets of the amazing psilocybin mushrooms. And I do mean “secrets” in the sense that few people have learned what the mushrooms are ultimately capable of.
As well, this isn’t just information for a few brave psychonauts. This wisdom is becoming increasingly necessary for a troubled planet in transition and under duress.


@stephengrayvision3985 says:

@JulioMeza: For some reason your question isn't showing up here yet. You asked about the admixture plant that people have been adding to psilocybin mushrooms. It's Syrian Rue. I know several mushroom ceremonialists/guides around here in the Vancouver BC area who are using the mix. In the interview I said to Acacea that one ceremonialist told me he didn't like adding Syrian Rue because it has stimulant properties. For Acacae, the jury is out on that question. She asked me to check back in a year after she does some empirical investigation.

@drewstead316 says:

One time I saw blue ethereal wings pop out of my back and she says to me "how do you like those wings, brother?" But I hadn't even said anything about it

@carolinewells4355 says:

I love love love Acacea Lewis and her Devine knowledge. I first found her Magnets crystals and pyramids on youtube

@danielboomers says:

just another drug to suppress the real issue.. they should stay illegal

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