The psychedelic renaissance | Stephen Bright | TEDxUniMelb

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Psychedelic drugs: a dangerous and illegal scourge; a harmless way to “turn on, tune in, drop out” – or a valuable treatment for mental illness? Research is showing that substances like MDMA and magic mushrooms, long banished to society’s fringes, are proving effective in treating everything from PTSD to nicotine addiction. In this talk, Stephen Bright explores the recent re-emergence of psychedelic science and discusses why this field is absent from the Australian research landscape.

Dr Stephen Bright is a clinically-trained psychologist. He is a Senior Lecturer of Addiction at Edith Cowan University in Perth and a founding board member of PRISM, an Australian not-for-profit set up to advance the cause of psychedelic research.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


@Ozgipsy says:

We’re against such a Felix research but for amputation surgery for kids.

@Ozgipsy says:

This bloke is from my city. He’s an exceptionally sharp character with the right amount of non deferential attitude for any scientist.

@Heyheyhey285 says:

Psilocybin has been a miracle worker for me, it gives you a totally different perspective on life and has helped me get out of a recent deep depression.

@brentj3687 says:

Hit up the best psychedelic online dealer, she sells all the psychedelic products and also ship to any location

@michaeljordan7301 says:

☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️❤ Can reach out to the handle on Instagram!

@markmattingly2929 says:

The only difference in legal drugs and illegal drugs is the way our government regulates and labels IT!! a crying SHAME!!!

@Akmedhussa says:

Solasieben? Never heard of her!

@jnighs8380 says:

Psychedelics could help heal the mental health crisis in the west ( and everywhere)

@noelomware says:

Let's turn off the default mode network briefly and observe the universe/life

@philldavid1561 says:

Wonderful video, I get my psychedelics from blazekingpsy on wickr, great guy..

@TheGuiltsOfUs says:

A doorway to madness!

@sabrinawanderer7560 says:

I hope Philippines will get to have a research on pslilocybin…

@laurenbriscoe6547 says:

Please know psychedelics can trigger psychosis which can mean terrrifying mental images, flashbacks, being unable to speak or eat or drink, deranged behavior, violence, inability to work and function, loss of intelligence, creative skills, cognitive skills, extreme depression, loss of identity, inability to parent, suicide, delusions, paranoia, auditory and visual hallucinations, loss of job, hospitalization, and possibly homelessness. The depression afterwards can be severe and take years to recover from. Many people have suffered. I’m not exaggerating.

@templedylan1300 says:

The thinkable tune geometrically share because whale topologically heat unto a exultant faucet. amuck, efficacious forehead

@pipharding2896 says:

Update 2021: Bufo Alvarius is the most powerful psychedelic known to man 😉

@dieudadash6467 says:

So if phase 3 is medice what's the final phase?

@michaelepstein2570 says:

Entheogens are medicinal substances and can be helpful for some in the very beginning if used wisely.

@chrislaro1396 says:

Hoffman should have been awarded the noble peace prize.

@SuperStargazer666 says:

I guess we all need to have a magic mushroom party. The ban on psychedelics is a travesty. If I ever find myself dying with a horrible disease like cancer, I would like to think that my closest friends would have enough compassion to bring me mushrooms so I could go forth in peace.

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