Like0000000or copy the linkNOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for mental health advice. This talk represents the speaker’s personal views and interpretation of psychedelics and mental health, which remains an emerging [More]
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Like0000000or copy the linkOn Sunday, July 14, advocates from dozens of organizations across Metro Detroit involving mental health and substance abuse will take part in ViewFest, an annual event at the Detroit Zoo.
Like0000000or copy the linkJoin Candice Horbacz and Mike Zeller as they discuss groundbreaking treatments for severe depression and PTSD, including MDMA and psychedelic therapy. Despite their success, these methods face opposition from big pharmaceutical companies [More]
Like0000000or copy the linkPsychedelics have re-emerged in the world of medicine as a promising treatment for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, substance use disorder (SUD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), headaches, chronic pain, and other conditions. [More]
Like0000000or copy the linkField Trip Health Founder & Executive Chairman Ronan Levy joins Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq #TradeTalks to discuss why psychedelics and psychedelic-enhanced therapies are re-emerging for mental health treatment.
Like0000000or copy the linkThis is a presentation recorded at the 2023 joint conference of the Society for Economic Botany and Society of Ethnobiology, held at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia from June 4-9, 2023. #ethnobotany [More]
Like0000000or copy the linkOnce deemed dangerous and illegal, psychedelic compounds have been rediscovered by the scientific, medical and psychiatric communities as research reveals their capacity to help patients with a range of maladies. With investors [More]
Like0000000or copy the linkR&B Therapy came to Denver for what is being dubbed the largest psychedelic conference in history from Illinois looking for funding to provide refugees and people of color access to ketamine therapy.
Like0000000or copy the linkThe landscape for mental health treatment is shifting due to the failings of traditional paradigms. Psychedelic therapy offers a new modality of healing, based on working with the whole person to meet [More]